This was a particularly tough day, with the crossing of St. Andrew's Sound blowing Doublewide's VHF antenna off (and weirdly enough, into the cockpit! At least I knew the antenna was missing). She also lost a bumper, when it blew out of its lashings. I was not worried that I would lose Doublewide, but it was a rough ride, as rough as anything that I remember in a bay, washing machines ain't in it! I did not take pictures as water was coming over the bow fast enough to keep 4" of water in the cockpit! Well, in any case, it was a pleasure to enter the Amelia River and know I was close to my safe harbor!
We had a bad storm that night, but the Amelia Island Marina is incredibly well protected, up a long channel and a large sea wall - the pelican is sitting on it. Very little in the way of waves, although the wind sang loudy in the rigging.